Britney Spears loves Kim Kardashian


Troubled pop singer Britney Spears has reportedly revealed her lust to have a lesbian love affair with socialite Kim Kardashian.

The ‘Gimme More’ singer, who previously tried to seduce her children’s nanny and was snapped romping topless in a pool with former assistant Shannon Funk, has revealed her lust for Kim during a tell-all game with group of friends.

When Britney was posed the question as-to-which celebrity she would most like to have sex with, Britney allegedly said: “I really love Kim’s butt, skin and hair. Kim is a real woman. She is a real horny beast.”

Kim isn’t the only brunette beauty Britney has taken a fancy to - she also revealed she lusts after Hollywood beauties Carmen Electra and Halle Berry, while Brad Pitt and George Clooney top her list of sexiest men.

A source at the party said: “She was so graphic. It’s funny to hear America’s pop darling get so dirty.”


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