Actor Mickey Rourke was arrested on DUI charges in Miami Beach early this morning on his Vespa.
"Mickey Rourke was arrested for DUI at 4 a.m. this morning while riding a green Vespa," a sergeant from the Miami Beach police department said. "He made a U-turn on a red light. We stopped him and gave him a classic road sobriety test. He failed so we brought him in. He blew a .081, which was over the limit, and was locked up for 24 hours at the Miami Dade County jail."
According to the arrest report, Rourke said a four-letter expletive at the time he was stopped by police, who described the actor's face as flushed, his eyes bloodshot and his speech slurred. "I'm not drunk, I didn't even drink that much," Rourke is quoted as saying.