Britney Spears could be a suicide risk

Britney Spears is living in a "bubble of illusion" that "could end in suicide" if she doesn't get help, warns Beverly Hills analyst and addiction expert Marty Brenner.

"She's losing it now, and she's going to eventually lose it altogether if she doesn't get the help she needs," Brenner - who has not treated Spears - says of the singer's wacky weekend in Los Angeles, where she made numerous gas-station bathroom stops and hooked up with a member of the paparazzi posse.

"She's exhibiting bipolar signs, and she's clearly fighting depression," Brenner claims.

Last Saturday night for the troubled mother of two was one for the books, with Britney's antics all documented in video on It started when she pulled over on a busy road to snap a photo of a mural, then flipped when photographers refused to move out of her way. She screamed, "Mother[bleepers]!" at them and threw her camera to the ground.

Later, she stopped numerous times at gas stations and at a Wal-Mart and used both the bathroom and a British accent before getting her favorite paparazzo's cellphone number and meeting up with him at the Peninsula Hotel later that night.

Brenner says Spears' latest play for attention may be due to her 16-year-old sister Jamie Lynn's announcement that she's pregnant. "Britney now needs to cry out for even more attention," he says. "She's really going for it . . . No one stops to pee that many times. She has a major problem."

Brenner theorized that Spears picked a photographer to play with because for her "it's a power trip. She thinks this guy's going to fix her. We've seen her do this before. Look what's around her, he's in her world," Brenner said of Adnan, the lucky pap who emerged smiling from the Peninsula at 4 a.m. after a late night with Spears.

"She appears to be crazy. She is disconnected from life. Look how she changes outfits all day . . . She's saying, 'I don't like who I am right now. Maybe I can change it.'

"Britney also doesn't listen to anybody. Her mom is out of the picture, her kids are gone, and everyone surrounding her is enabling her world of illusion."


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