Anne Hathaway: what George Clooney taught me

If Anne Hathaway is suffering from toothache – or perhaps, for that matter, heartache – on the day we meet, she is hiding it well. A consummate actress, she is bright-eyed and talkative, and shows none of the tension you might expect from someone who has just had root canal treatment with a French dentist (we are in Paris) and is also coping with the reported messy ending of a four-year relationship with her Italian-American boyfriend Raffaello Follieri.

What makes her performance all the more impressive is that in addition she is expected this evening to host a dinner at the Grand Palais to launch Lancôme’s new perfume, Magnifique, in a language – she says with a bright smile – in which she is anything but fluent.

‘But the thing is, I can say “merci” and “de rien” with a very convincing accent and then everybody starts motoring off and I’m like, “Je ne comprends pas.” I studied French for five years but none of it stuck. Although, funnily enough, it made it easy for me to learn Italian when I…’ she says, stopping short of finishing a sentence that was clearly going to reference Raffaello – who is being held at the New York Metropolitan Correction Center on charges of fraud, conspiracy and money laundering in deals that unwittingly involved Bill Clinton, Republican presidential candidate John McCain and the Catholic Church.

Alarmed by her mistake – it’s rumoured that her professional need to distance herself from Follieri was so pressing that she may even have cooperated with the FBI prior to his arrest – she makes an understandable attempt to divert the subject away from her ex-boyfriend.

‘Oh, I have such a glamorous story about speaking Italian. George Clooney taught me a very important phrase and it’s true,’ she says rattling off, in what seems to be perfect Italian, a sentence she translates as, ‘I speak Italian but with many mistakes.’ This statement, delivered just a little too fast and followed by a peal of nervous laughter, reveals more about Annie (as her entourage refer to her) than she’d probably intended. Beneath the glossy exterior and the slightly brittle smile, the beautiful American actress is, it would seem, a bit insecure.

‘I’m full of neuroses,’ admits the self-confessed ‘people pleaser’ who is full of praise for Keira Knightley, Anna Maxwell Martin and her The Devil Wears Prada co-star Emily Blunt, but seems a little baffled by her own success.

‘Those women are in a different league from me in terms of talent. I think Emily Blunt will have no problem having a career to equal that of Cate Blanchett, but I’m not sure I’m talented enough for that, so I’d like to go as far as my talent will take me for as long as I can…’ she says.

Industry insiders have a very different view of how far Anne’s talent could take her. At just 25 she has a body of work, much of it highly acclaimed, that puts her way in front of her acting contemporaries.

Born in Brooklyn, New York, to a lawyer father and an actress mother, she grew up as the middle child between two brothers (Michael the elder and Thomas the younger). In the past she has hinted that her relationship with her parents was strained claiming they ‘made mistakes’, but today she says ‘we have a fabulous relationship’.

Encouraged by her mother to pursue acting (she’s also an accomplished soprano), she gained her first break in the US TV series Get Real, which led to starring roles in the hit films The Princess Diaries, The Princess Diaries 2 and Ella Enchanted.

Anne avoided being typecast as a teen queen by taking a role in Ang Lee’s Brokeback Mountain, which not only allowed her to ‘grow up’ (there were nude scenes) but also led to a central role in The Devil Wears Prada. With her 2007 portrayal of Jane Austen in Becoming Jane (with a very convincing English accent) she has further proved her versatility.

In addition to the recent Get Smart – in which she co-stars with Steve Carell – Anne will shortly be seen in Jonathan Demme’s drama Rachel Getting Married, Rodrigo García’s thriller Passengers, and in Bride Wars alongside Kate Hudson. Becoming an ‘ambassador’ for Lancôme has further raised her profile, putting her alongside fellow Lancôme ‘faces’ such as Kate Winslet and Juliette Binoche.

Does she, I ask, have a career game plan? ‘A game plan – keep fooling them, keep hoping no one wakes up,’ she says with another peal of nervous laughter. Anne’s insistence on putting herself down is, I suggest, very English (something she takes as a compliment even if she does turn it back into a tribute to another actress). ‘Americans don’t get dry, self-deprecating wit – if you make a remark they will say, “Oh no, you are not fat or stupid or whatever.” But it’s my favourite kind of humour. Emily Blunt is a master of dry wit and she is so young – well, younger than me by four months, and she never lets me forget it…’

In Bride Wars (out next year) she and Kate Hudson (‘she is so much fun, she brings so much to the party whereas I’m more geeky’) are pitted against each other as best friends with weddings on the same day. It is, she confirms, a dark look at ‘bridezillas’. Does a big wedding feature in her private dreams? ‘Oh no, I’m very far from that. But if I were to have a child right now, I wouldn’t be upset by it because I think I am in a place where I could continue to work and learn and take care of another human being. But, like marriage, it’s not a choice I would make for myself at this moment…’

Today, wearing a black dress she ‘thinks’ is by Fendi (‘the people here gave it to me’), Anne looks waif-like and younger than 25. While she loves dressing up, she is happier dressing down and has never worried about extreme diets or exercise. Except, that is, when filming The Devil Wears Prada when the roles she and Emily played required them to lose weight (‘We would clutch each other and cry with hunger’).

Naturally slim but not skinny, she sees a preoccupation with body-image as immature. ‘When I was younger,
I thought I’d be happier skinnier. But then you turn 14 and you think, well, maybe not.’

What does she think of the ‘size zero’ issue and the influence very thin celebrities have on young girls? ‘Do I think it’s dangerous? Yes, but I think the real danger in life is if you allow yourself to be swayed by the mob. We all have the power to assert our individuality and say, “If that works for you, great, but it doesn’t work for me.” I’ve always been an independent person – which sometimes might have made me look a bit arrogant – but I’m trying to live my life as my own,’ she says.

Anne, who has admitted to suffering from depression and anxiety as a teenager, believes that we all have a responsibility for our own happiness and that the best role models for the young are those who lead, rather than follow, the mob. ‘You know who I think is the perfect role model for girls right now? Agyness Deyn. I love her and I hear she is just wonderful. She is happy and healthy and dancing to her own music, and that’s the sort of person girls need to look up to. Other than their mothers and families.’

Family is very important to Anne. Her brother Michael, with whom she has been riding round Paris on the city’s free ‘Vélib’ bicycles, and her mother Kate, who will be her ‘date’ for tonight’s dinner, are supporting her on this trip. ‘Daddy had to stay home and work and Thomas is studying – he has just been accepted at Oxford, which is so brilliant,’ she says.

Outside family and work, Anne has little time for any significant hobbies (although she does like to hike). She has a small group of female friends (‘my closest friends are all gay men’) and her tendency to self-effacement is not limited to her career – she offers a long list of things she enjoys but is plain ‘terrible’ at doing. ‘I’m a horrible cook – if I ever invite you over you are having catering. I write terrible poetry but it feels nice to do it. And I’m a terrible, terrible painter, too.’

It's almost impossible to get Anne to say anything positive about herself but she does admit that she is ‘more proud’ of her work on the indie film Rachel Getting Married than anything she has ‘ever done’.

‘I do think my film career is way more successful than I deserve. So to have the experience I had on that film was brilliant and to have it turn out so well – I feel I can truly say, “That’s what a good film is.”’

As her own harshest critic it would be cruel to ask her about career decisions that didn’t turn out so well (she pulled out of Knocked Up and Sweeney Todd – both critical successes – at the last moment).

But she has a philosophical approach to life that enables her, she says, to move forward whatever the setback – mixed reviews for Get Smart, a broken tooth the day before Lancôme’s beauty launch or splitting from a lover described, by a federal prosecutor, as a ‘con man’.

‘The most important thing in life is to grow from every experience. So that’s what I’m trying to do,’ she says with a brave smile as we part. via

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