Transformers crew members call Megan Fox dumb as a rock

Megan Fox's mouth has caught up with her!

After the star publicly compared Transformers director Michael Bay to Adolf Hitler, the film's crew members wrote a lengthy open letter to fans that called the 23-year-old actress "thankless, classless, graceless."

Read the complete open letter about Megan Fox!

The three anonymous crew members, who have worked with Bay for the past ten years, posted the scathing letter on the Transformers site to "set a few things straight." (It has since been removed.)

"We’ve had the tedious experience of working with the dumb-as-a-rock Megan Fox on both Transformers movies," they write. "We've spent a total of 12 months on set making these two movies... She’s as about ungracious a person as you can ever fathom. She shows little interest in the crew members around her. We work to make her look good in every way, but she's absolutely never appreciative of anyone’s hard work. Never a thank you. All the crewmembers have stopped saying hi to Ms. Princess because she never says hello back. It gets tiring. Many think she just really hates the process of being an actress."

They even mock the comparison of Fox to action star Angelina Jolie.

"[Bay] granted her the starring role in Transformers, a franchise that forever changed her life; she became one of the most googled and oogled women on earth," they write. "She was famous! She was the next Angelina Jolie, hooray! Wait a minute, two of us worked with Angelina –- second thought –- she’s no Angelina. You see, Angelia is a professional."

The crew members conclude: "It's sad how fame can twist people, and even sadder that young girls look up to her. If only they knew who they're really looking up to. But 'fame' is fleeting. We, being behind the scenes, seen em' come and go. Hopefully Michael will have Megatron squish her character in the first ten minutes of Transformers 3."

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