Britney Spears lip synching on tour

NO one could accuse Britney Spears' tour promoter Paul Dainty of lip-synching.

Yesterday, words such as beat, up, embarrassed and fabrication were in the veteran tour promoter's vocabulary -- and none of them was pre-recorded.

Dainty was reacting angrily to reports of Spears fans storming out of her Circus tour performances at Perth's Burswood Dome on Friday, due mainly to the fact that she was miming during segments of the two-hour show.
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"It's the biggest lie I've ever heard," Dainty told The Australian. "I'm so angry. We can take heat if there's something wrong and people can review shows badly -- that's something you have to live with -- but to say people stormed out of the show was an absolute fabrication."

Dainty was responding to reports in Sunday tabloids and on websites that suggested fans, some of whom had paid $200 for tickets, left as early as the third song due to Spears' "lacklustre" performance.

Yet the venue's management issued a statement saying they had received no complaints from the 17,000 who were at the show. A similar number attended Spears' show at the same venue on Saturday.

"Britney is aware of all this and she's extremely upset by it," Dainty said. "She's a human being. I'm embarrassed, with such a big international entourage here with Britney, to be part of the Australian media when I see that kind of totally inaccurate reporting."

Spears has been at the centre of debate over lip-synching since she arrived in Australia last week, even though it's no secret she has been miming on her world tour for most of this year.

"It's been all over the internet for nine months," Dainty said. 'The inference is that we tried to hide this. It's been the opposite.

"This show is about an incredible spectacle, which it is," he said.

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