Keira Knightley wants to prove she’s not dumb

Keira Knightley is determined to prove she is not dumb after dropping out of school at 17.

The British star, who is famed for portraying upper class characters in films like Pride and Prejudice and Atonement, suffers from dyslexia.
But she insists her learning disability and poor academia record only spurs her on more to show she is brainy.

She says, "It (dyslexia) makes me feel I am going to read absolutely everything so I can prove that I am not stupid."

Knightley also admits that giving up university in favour of a film career has left her with a "chip on her shoulder" over her lack of education.

She adds, "I am completely uneducated. Not going to university did give me an incredible driving force because it leaves you with a slight chip on your shoulder. via

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