Courtney Love's claim that Kurt Cobain's likeness was illegally used

Courtney Love plans to take legal action over the representation of her late husband in Guitar Hero 5. Love launched a Twitter tirade, insisting that she never agreed to Kurt Cobain's final appearance in the video game – let alone the functionality that lets him lip-sync to Bon Jovi. "[I] never signed off on the avatar, let alone this fucking feature!" she wrote. "There's been four breaches of a very strict contract."

Cobain's widow was responding to another diatribe, this one by sometime Guardian blogger Everett True. True posted a YouTube video of pixellated Kurt singing various pop hits, and then expressed his view succinctly: "[Dave] Grohl and Love sanctioned this one for the new Guitar Hero. So respect due to Grohl and Love then. Fucking corporate cock-sucking memory-destroying fret-wanking MTV-supporting fame-chasing money-grabbing grave-turning publicity-loving vacuous spoiled jaded cunting rock whores."

This didn't make Love happy. "Everett True is an old friend who knows me very very very well," she said on Twitter. "He rants and raves quite brilliantly but ... then decided I had 'changed' when he knows that is not true."

Of course, that was only after Love calmed down. Her initial response was a little more, er, feisty:

"@everetttrue i have no prob w you calling me names just dont fucking ever think i would sanction such a travesty"

"@everetttrue but id keep on it cos its disgusting and vile and is the result of a cabal of a few assholes greed, out them, dont dare blame me"

"dig a little deeper old friend, you know me well, not in twenty JILLION years would i EVER have allowed this and this is lethal"

The Guitar Hero developers said that it was "great to work with [Love]". "Courtney supplied us with photos and videos," said Activision vice president Tim Riley. "She picked the wardrobe and hairstyle, which turned out to be the 'Teen Spirit' look, then we went back and forth over changes – some subtle, some not so subtle ... [She wanted a] sort of athletic definition but not overly so."

That's not what Love is saying now. She blames Cobain's Guitar Hero appearance on greedy lawyers and Dave Grohl, the former Nirvana drummer and current Foo Fighters frontman. "You can ass-rape Dave," she told True, "he was always a bad seed and is still riding the shit while I take bullets. If there's a hell, he's going. I'm not."

But for now, Love plans to head to the courts. "We are going to sue the shit out of Activision; 'we' being the Trust, the Estate, the LLC, the various LLCs, Cobain Enterprises ... For the record, this Guitar Hero shit is breach of contract on a bully's part and there will be a proper addressing of this and retraction." [source]

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