Megan Fox to host "SNL" season opener

It’s official: Megan Fox is set to host the season premiere of Saturday Night Live with musical guest U2 on Sept. 26. The following week, Ryan Reynolds hosts with Lady Gaga performing, then Drew Barrymore and Regina Spektor, followed by Gerard Butler and Shakira. Whee!

I’m the most excited for the Barrymore episode, just because she’s hosted five times before so I have faith. That said, I’m really curious what they’re going to do with Megan Fox, other than the inevitable Transformers spoof, which has tons of potential. I’m hoping for a dueling Angelina Jolie thing between her and Abby Elliot (whose Angelina is fantastic) and something way outside her typical sexpot comfort zone: Old lady? Penelope rival? Frat boy?

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